%% %% The primary VMD citation, should be used by all publications using VMD %% @article{HUMP96, author={William Humphrey and Andrew Dalke and Klaus Schulten}, title={{VMD} -- {V}isual {M}olecular {D}ynamics}, journal={Journal of Molecular Graphics}, year=1996, volume=14, pages={33-38}, note={}, tbstatus={Published.}, techrep={}, tbreference={222} } %% %% Interactive Molecular Dynamics, cited by papers doing IMD simulations %% @inproceedings{STON2001, author={John Stone and Justin Gullingsrud and Paul Grayson and Klaus Schulten}, title={A System for Interactive Molecular Dynamics Simulation}, booktitle={2001 ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics}, publisher={ACM SIGGRAPH}, address={New York}, editor={John F. Hughes and Carlo H. S\'equin}, pages={191-194}, year={2001}, note={}, tbreference={304}, tbstatus={Published.}, annote={This symposium took place between March 19-21, 2001. {ISBN} 1-58113-292-1.} } %% %% VMD-related packages and their respective citations %% %% %% Multiple Alignment Plugin, by the ZS group %% @Article{EARG06, Author="Eargle, John and Wright, Dan and Luthey-Schulten, Zaida", Title="{Multiple Alignment of protein structures and sequences for VMD}", Journal="Bioinformatics", Year="2006", Volume="22", Number="4", Pages="504--506", Month="Feb" } %% %% Tachyon ray tracing library (built-into VMD and/or distributed with VMD) %% Please cite Tachyon if you use it to make figures within VMD. %% @mastersthesis{STON1998, author = {John Stone}, title = "{\em An Efficient Library for Parallel Ray Tracing and Animation}", school = "Computer Science Department, University of Missouri-Rolla", month = "April", year = {1998} } %% %% STRIDE Secondary Structure Prediction (distributed with VMD) %% %% Frishman,D & Argos,P. (1995) Knowledge-based secondary structure %% assignment. Proteins: structure, function and genetics, 23, 566-579. @article{FRISH1995, author={D. Frishman and P. Argos}, title={Knowledge-based secondary structure assignment}, journal={Proteins: structure, function and genetics}, volume=23, pages={566-579}, year={1995}, note={}, annote={} } %% %% SURF solvent accessible surface calculator (distributed with VMD) %% %% A. Varshney, F. P. Brooks, W. V. Wright, Linearly Scalable Computation %% of Smooth Molecular Surfaces, IEEE Comp. Graphics and Applications, %% v. 14 (1994) pp. 19-25. @article{VARSH1994, author={A. Varshney and F. P. Brooks and W. V. Wright}, title={Linearly Scalable Computation of Smooth Molecular Surfaces}, journal={IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications}, volume=14, pages={19-25}, year={1994}, note={}, annote={} } %% %% MSMS solvent excluded surface calculator (available separately from VMD) %% @inproceedings{SANN1995, author={Michel Sanner and Arthur Olsen and Jean-Claude Spehner}, title={Fast and Robust Computation of Molecular Surfaces}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry}, address={New York}, publisher={ACM}, pages={C6-C7}, year={1995}, note={}, annote={} } %% %% Paper on speech and gesture recognition with VMD %% @article{SHAR2000, author={Rajeev Sharma and Michael Zeller and Vladimir I. Pavlovic and Thomas S. Huang and Zion Lo and Stephen Chu and Yunxin Zhao and James C. Phillips and Klaus Schulten}, title={Speech/Gesture Interface to a Visual-Computing Environment}, journal=IEEECGA, volume=20, pages={29-37}, year={2000}, note={}, tbreference={294}, tbstatus={Published.}, annote={} }