multiple-walker eABF run input

From: Ashutosh Shandilya (
Date: Tue Feb 15 2022 - 23:59:59 CST

Dear Users,

I am trying to run multiple-walker eABF run with the following input

colvar {

   #Progress along the path

     name gs

       # The path is defined by 7

 reference frames

                width 0.05

                lowerboundary 0

                upperboundary 1

                extendedlagrangian on

                extendedfluctuation 0.5

                # Use atomic coordinate from atoms 1, 2 and 3 to compute
the path

                gspath {

               atoms {atomnumbers { 12961 12975 12985 13001 13023 13037
13047 13062 13076 13083 13104 13123 13140 13164 61459 61492 61524 61557
61589 61622 61655 61688 61721 61751 61783 61816 61848 61880 }}

                refPositionsFile1 ../1.pdb

                refPositionsFile2 ../2.pdb

                refPositionsFile3 ../3.pdb

                refPositionsFile4 ../4.pdb

                refPositionsFile5 ../5.pdb

                refPositionsFile6 ../6.pdb

                refPositionsFile7 ../7.pdb

abf {

                        colvars gs

                        fullSamples 500

                        historyfreq 10000

                        shared yes

                        sharedFreq 5

I am not sure how it will write different replica files. How to output
different file names for different windows.

If anyone has run MW-eABF, if they could provide the sample input file it
will be highly helpful.

Many thanks,


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