Re: Re: QM/MM error: The number of QM atoms received is different than expected

From: Marcelo C. R. Melo (
Date: Fri Mar 08 2019 - 10:44:33 CST

I could not immediately replicate the problem.
Could you provide a minimum test system? (PDB, PSF, Config file, parameter

Marcelo Cardoso dos Reis Melo, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Luthey-Schulten Group
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
+1 (217) 244-5983
On Wed, 6 Mar 2019 at 21:13, Haohao Fu <> wrote:
> I also looked at the MOPAC output. The number of QM atoms is equal to what
> should be expected.
> Could someone give me some help? Thanks a lot!
> Best,
> Haohao
> Haohao Fu <> 于2019年3月7日周四 上午11:08写道:
>> Dear NAMD developers:
>> Two years later, I still cannot solve the problem:
>> (
>> )
>> When using "qmLiveSolventSel on", NAMD always raises an "The number of QM
>> atoms received (xx) is different than expected: yy" error.
>> My config file:
>> qmLiveSolventSel  on
>> qmLSSResname  TIP3
>> qmLSSFreq     5
>> qmLSSMode     dist
>> qmLSSRef      "1 ION 0"
>> and my PDB file:
>> ATOM      1  SOD SOD I   1     -11.166   3.143 -12.540  0.00  1.00
>> ATOM      2  OH2 TIP3W   5     -12.941 -13.718  10.397  0.00  0.00
>> WT1  O
>> ATOM      3  H1  TIP3W   5     -13.419 -13.990   9.614  0.00  0.00
>> WT1  H
>> ATOM      4  H2  TIP3W   5     -12.656 -14.538  10.802  0.00  0.00
>> WT1  H
>> ......
>> ATOM   3068  OH2 TIP3W5358      -9.241   2.371 -11.917  0.00  1.00
>> WT1  O
>> ATOM   3069  H1  TIP3W5358      -8.824   1.741 -12.505  0.00  1.00
>> WT1  H
>> ATOM   3070  H2  TIP3W5358      -8.600   2.511 -11.221  0.00  1.00
>> WT1  H
>> ......
>> I also looked at the MOPAC output. The number of QM

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