From: Norman Geist (
Date: Thu Mar 10 2016 - 16:43:55 CST
I would suggest updating the Nvidia driver as 1st thing to try.
Norman Geist
Von: [] Im Auftrag von
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 10. März 2016 08:57
Betreff: vmd-l: NAMD 2.11 Cuda does not work with Quadro FX 3800
yesterday I updated NAMD from 2.9 to 2.11. Unfortunately I got the following
Error when trying to run the CUDA enabled Binary on a System with two Quadro
FX3800 graphics cards:
FATAL ERROR: CUDA error binding lj table to texture on Pe 2 (ceo-01 device
0): invalid texture reference
[2] Stack Traceback:
[2:0] CmiAbort+0x41 [0xefde44]
[2:1] _Z8NAMD_diePKc+0x93 [0x64a6c3]
[2:2] _Z13cuda_errcheckPKc+0xec [0x826b6c]
[2:3] _Z22build_cuda_force_tablev+0x446 [0x8176e6]
[2:4] _Z15_processHandlerPvP11CkCoreState+0x727 [0xd95e07]
[2:5] CsdScheduler+0x5ff [0xf0722f]
[2:6] [0xefdb90]
[2:7] [0xefb293]
[2:8] +0x7dc5 [0x7fa183f10dc5]
[2:9] clone+0x6d [0x7fa18301228d]
[2] Stack Traceback:
[2:0] LrtsAbort+0x70 [0xefe524]
[2:1] CmiAbortHelper+0x102 [0xefddfd]
[2:2] CmiAbort+0x41 [0xefde44]
[2:3] _Z8NAMD_diePKc+0x93 [0x64a6c3]
[2:4] _Z13cuda_errcheckPKc+0xec [0x826b6c]
[2:5] _Z22build_cuda_force_tablev+0x446 [0x8176e6]
[2:6] _Z15_processHandlerPvP11CkCoreState+0x727 [0xd95e07]
[2:7] CsdScheduler+0x5ff [0xf0722f]
[2:8] [0xefdb90]
[2:9] [0xefb293]
[2:10] +0x7dc5 [0x7fa183f10dc5]
[2:11] clone+0x6d [0x7fa18301228d]
Until NAMD 2.9 everything used to work fine.
Testing of NAMD 2.11 with CUDA on a system with two Tesla K20 Cards also
System: Linux CentOS 7.2, Nvidia Driver 340.96,
Commandline for Testing (Lysozym-Tutorial): namd2 +idlepoll +p4
ubq_ws_eq.conf > ubq_ws_eq.p4.gpu.log
Graphics Cards: Two Nvidia Quadro FX3800
Something must have changed from 2.9 to 2.11 in CUDA Support? Someone any
-- Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Greipel Med. Hochschule Hannover Biophysikalische Chemie OE 4350 Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1 30625 Hannover Germany Fon: +49-511-532-3718 Fax: +49-511-532-16-3718 E-Mail: <>
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