From: Chitrak Gupta (
Date: Wed Jan 27 2016 - 04:18:38 CST
Hi Norman,
I just realized I am using a slightly modified version of replica.namd. I
should be able to track down the difference and modify your code
Thanks again for the code.
Best regards,
On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 9:03 AM, Norman Geist <> wrote:
> The output changed little, but it should still work, but only if column
> three in the history file does also show something else than “300”. What
> settings did you use for min_temp and max_temp? Could it be that all your
> replicas were running at 300K ?? Can you show your *_remd.conf
> Norman Geist
> *Von:* Chitrak Gupta []
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 25. Januar 2016 16:59
> *An:* Norman Geist <>
> *Cc:* NAMD list <>
> *Betreff:* Re: namd-l: calculating replica exchange acceptance ratio
> Now I see why I had the confusion before. For some reason, both the
> temperatures are being shown the same in the output of the pdes.tcl code. I
> am copy-pasting part of the result here.
> EXCHANGE_RATIO 300 300 29 50 0.58
> EXCHANGE_RATIO 300 300 25 50 0.5
> EXCHANGE_RATIO 300 300 30 50 0.6
> EXCHANGE_RATIO 300 300 31 50 0.62
> EXCHANGE_RATIO 300 300 23 50 0.46
> Shouldn't these temperatures be different?
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 9:21 PM, Chitrak Gupta <>
> wrote:
> Hi Norman,
> The history file columns look like this
> 100 0 300 -80595.06905838488
> 200 1 300 -80394.8947269207
> 300 1 300 -80396.61219236573
> 400 0 300 -80633.88125895151
> 500 0 300 -80446.22636982969
> 600 0 300 -80231.83412244706
> I believe the ordering is Step #, Replica #, Temperature, Energy. Is that
> what it used to be when you wrote the code?
> Also, thanks for the explanation on the temperature. That makes sense now.
> Regards,
> Chitrak.
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 5:21 PM, Norman Geist <
>> wrote:
> Well, when I wrote that script, the output it did was identical to the one
> that replica.namd produced. So I’m sure that the output always printed the
> temperature, not the replica number, since the temperature->replica_id
> assignment is not fixed.
> Norman Geist
> *Von:* [] *Im
> Auftrag von *Chitrak Gupta
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 25. Januar 2016 09:54
> *An:* Norman Geist <>
> *Cc:* NAMD list <>
> *Betreff:* Re: namd-l: calculating replica exchange acceptance ratio
> Hi Norman,
> Thanks a lot for sending this code.
> When I tried it, it kept giving false for the "info exists psf_file", even
> though I did source job0.conf. I couldn't track it down, could it be
> because I do not have any variable named psf_file? I have "structure"
> variable set in the *_base.namd file, which is basically the psf file. I
> tried changing psf_file to structure, but that didn't help.
> I then tried commenting out the first check. This worked, except that now
> "temp1" and "temp2" are both set to 300 (the target temperature) instead of
> the replica numbers.
> Any clue why this is happening and how I can fix this?
> Best regards,
> Chitrak.
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 2:13 AM, Norman Geist <
>> wrote:
> # Reconstruct exchange ratio information from replica history files
> # by Norman Geist 2013
> set go 1
> if {! [info exists psf_file] } {
> puts "Error: You forgot to source the job.conf"
> set go 0
> }
> if { $go } {
> if {! [info exists i_job]} { set i_job 0 }
> set outputbase "$output_root.job$i_job"
> set history_filename_format "${outputbase}.%d.history"
> array unset excounts
> array set excounts {}
> for {set replica_id 0} {$replica_id < $num_replicas} {incr replica_id} {
> set history_file [open [format $history_filename_format $replica_id
> $replica_id] "r"]
> set allcount 0
> set lastnum -1
> while {[gets $history_file vals] >= 0} {
> incr allcount
> if {$lastnum > -1} {
> set nownum [lindex $vals 1]
> set excounts($nownum.temp) [lindex $vals 2]
> if {$nownum != $lastnum} {
> set min [expr min($nownum,$lastnum)]
> set max [expr max($nownum,$lastnum)]
> if {[info exists excounts($min-$max)]} {
> set excounts($min-$max) [expr $excounts($min-$max)+1]
> } else {
> set excounts($min-$max) 1
> }
> set lastnum $nownum
> }
> } else {
> set lastnum [lindex $vals 1]
> }
> }
> set excounts(allcount) [expr $allcount/2]
> }
> for {set replica_id 0} {$replica_id < $num_replicas-1} {incr replica_id}
> {
> set partner [expr $replica_id+1]
> set temp1 $excounts($replica_id.temp)
> set temp2 $excounts($partner.temp)
> set excount [expr $excounts($replica_id-$partner)/2]
> set pdes [expr (double($excount))/$excounts(allcount)]
> puts "EXCHANGE_RATIO ${temp1} ${temp2} ${excount}
> ${excounts(allcount)} ${pdes}"
> }
> }
> Save the above code top pdes.tcl. Then in console do:
> tclsh
> source job0.conf
> source pdes.tcl
> Norman Geist
> *Von:* [] *Im
> Auftrag von *Chitrak Gupta
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 25. Januar 2016 06:16
> *An:* NAMD list <>
> *Betreff:* namd-l: calculating replica exchange acceptance ratio
> Dear all,
> I am running replica exchange simulation using NAMD. Normally, the log
> file contains the exchange acceptance ratios at the end. However, my job
> ended prematurely (due to exceeding of walltime on the cluster), and the
> log file does not have the acceptance ratio information at the bottom. Is
> there a way I could calculate it from the log file entries? Has anyone
> ever done this?
> Best regards,
> Chitrak.
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