From: Jim Phillips (
Date: Mon Dec 07 2015 - 16:43:12 CST
You can do something like this:
for { set ns 50 } { $ns <= 500 } { incr ns 50 } {
dcdfile $output.$ns.dcd
run 25000000
On Mon, 7 Dec 2015, Deng, Jinxia (Nancy) wrote:
> Hi All,
> Herein attached the input file for production phase by NAMD.
> Wonder whether any one could be very kind to confirm that the current setting is good for 10ps, and the .dcd output has 5 frames with 2ps as frame interval.
> If my understanding above is correct, I really want to set up MD task up to 500ns, does that mean the last line should be: "run 250000000"??
> If so, is there any way I could specify every 50ns I could have a .dcd file instead of wrapping all trajectory into one file, such as *.50.dcd, *100.dcd......*500.dcd.
> I am truly looking forward to any of your response to any piece of this.
> Best regards,
> Nancy
> Nancy Deng, Ph.D. | Principal Scientist, Computational Chemistry & Molecular Modeling
> Zoetis Inc| Global Therapeutics Research | 333 Portage Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49007
> Office: 2693599121 |
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