From: Aditya Ranganathan (
Date: Wed Feb 25 2015 - 01:13:42 CST
Thanks a lot guys. Could get it running with some changes with respect to
my system. It was really helpful.
Srivastav Ranganathan
IIT Bombay,
Mumbai, India
On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 3:09 AM, Jeff Comer <> wrote:
> I wrote some code find clusters a while back. You make a selection
> with "selectText" that contains the residues that you want to find
> clusters for. The code iterates through the frames of a list of dcd
> files and uses pbwithin to determine which residues in the selection
> neighbor another. The proc "searchOverlap" finds clusters of connected
> residues. There are four output files that store the result for each
> frame, specifically the mean cluster size, the number of clusters, the
> size of the largest cluster, and a list of the number of residues in
> each cluster. You can set the parameters of the script at the top. You
> may have to modify the code for your application. Here's the code.
> # Author: Jeff Comer <jeffcomer at gmail>
> set name test
> set selectText "resname PEG and resid 11"
> set threshDist 4.5
> set psf nh_stride5_eqSalt_sio20min_peg19.psf
> set dcdFreq 25000
> set timestep 2
> set stride 1
> set outDir Cluster
> set dcdList {nh_stride5_eqSalt_sio20min_peg19.dcd}
> #######################################################
> # Cluster progs
> # Do two lists have any of the same elements?
> proc checkOverlap {aList bList} {
> foreach a $aList {
> set i [lsearch -sorted -integer $bList $a]
> if {$i >= 0} {
> return 1
> }
> }
> return 0
> }
> proc searchOverlap {neighListList} {
> set n [llength $neighListList]
> set n1 [expr {$n-1}]
> # Loop over pairs of elements.
> for {set i 0} {$i < $n1} {incr i} {
> set li [lindex $neighListList $i]
> for {set j [expr {$i+1}]} {$j < $n} {incr j} {
> set lj [lindex $neighListList $j]
> if {[checkOverlap $li $lj]} {
> # They overlap. Merge the lists.
> set lij [lsort -unique -integer [concat $li $lj]]
> # Delete the other list.
> # (Do this first since it's higher in the array.)
> set neighListList [lreplace $neighListList $j $j]
> # Insert the merged list.
> set neighListList [lreplace $neighListList $i $i $lij]
> return $neighListList
> }
> }
> }
> return $neighListList
> }
> # Make unique clusters from lists of neighbors.
> proc getClusters {neighListList} {
> set n [llength $neighListList]
> set n0 0
> while {$n != $n0} {
> set n0 $n
> set neighListList [searchOverlap $neighListList]
> set n [llength $neighListList]
> }
> return $neighListList
> }
> proc mean {l} {
> set sum 0.0
> foreach i $l {
> set sum [expr {$sum + $i}]
> }
> return [expr {$sum/[llength $l]}]
> }
> set maxFrames 100
> # Compute the interval in nanoseconds.
> set frameInterval [expr {1e-6*$timestep*$dcdFreq}]
> set displayPeriod 10
> if {$stride < 1} { set stride 1 }
> # Get the time change between frames in nanoseconds.
> set dt [expr {$frameInterval*$stride}]
> # Open the output file.
> set out [open $outDir/clusterSizeMean_${name}.dat w]
> set outN [open $outDir/clusterNum_${name}.dat w]
> set outDist [open $outDir/clusterDist_${name}.dat w]
> set outMax [open $outDir/clusterSizeMax_${name}.dat w]
> # Load the system.
> mol load psf $psf
> set sel [atomselect top $selectText]
> # "residue" requires that the bonds be assigned correctly
> foreach silent {0} {
> set resList [lsort -unique -integer [$sel get residue]]
> }
> $sel delete
> # Loop over the dcd files.
> set nFrames0 0
> foreach dcd $dcdList {
> # Load the trajectory.
> set nFrames $maxFrames
> set startFrame 0
> while {$nFrames == $maxFrames} {
> set endFrame [expr {$startFrame + $stride*($maxFrames - 1)}]
> puts "Reading from $dcd from frame $startFrame to $endFrame inclusive"
> animate delete all
> mol addfile $dcd first $startFrame last $endFrame step $stride waitfor
> all
> set nFrames [molinfo top get numframes]
> puts "Reading $nFrames frames."
> set startFrame [expr {$endFrame + 1}]
> # Move forward computing at every step.
> for {set f 0} {$f < $nFrames} {incr f} {
> # Get the time in nanoseconds for this frame.
> set t [expr {($nFrames0+$f)*$dt}]
> # Get the positions at the current frame.
> molinfo top set frame $f
> # Make a list of all of the neighbors of each residue.
> set neighListList {}
> foreach res $resList {
> set s [atomselect top "($selectText) and pbwithin $threshDist
> of residue $res"]
> set neighList [lsort -unique -integer [$s get residue]]
> lappend neighListList $neighList
> $s delete
> }
> # Get the clusters and their sizes.
> set clusterList [getClusters $neighListList]
> set clusterNum [llength $clusterList]
> if {$clusterNum == 0} {
> puts "ERROR: Found zero clusters. Problem with the selection text?"
> exit
> }
> set sizeList {}
> foreach cluster $clusterList {
> lappend sizeList [llength $cluster]
> }
> set sizeList [lsort -integer $sizeList]
> # Write the sizes.
> puts $outDist $sizeList
> set meanSize [mean $sizeList]
> puts $out "$t $meanSize"
> puts $outMax "$t [lindex $sizeList end]"
> puts $outN "$t $clusterNum"
> if {$f % $displayPeriod == 0} {
> puts "FRAME $f: $t clusterNum $clusterNum meanSize $meanSize
> minSize [lindex $sizeList 0] maxSize [lindex $sizeList end]"
> }
> }
> set nFrames0 [expr {$nFrames+$nFrames0}]
> }
> }
> close $out
> close $outN
> close $outMax
> close $outDist
> mol delete top
> exit
> –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––———————
> Jeffrey Comer, PhD
> Assistant Professor
> Institute of Computational Comparative Medicine
> Nanotechnology Innovation Center of Kansas State
> Kansas State University
> Office: P-213 Mosier Hall
> Phone: 785-532-6311
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Jérôme Hénin <>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > There is a Gromacs tool, g_clustsize, that might do what you want.
> >
> > Jerome
> >
> > On 24 February 2015 at 03:28, Aditya Ranganathan <>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Dear All,
> >>
> >> I`m doing some protein aggregation related simulations using the residue
> >> based coarse graining approach. I was wondering if there are any scripts
> >> related to protein aggregation related trajectory analysis. For
> example, I
> >> want to keep track of the cluster sizes (monomer, dimers, trimers etc)
> with
> >> time. Are there any scripts for the same.
> >>
> >> Thanks and Regards
> >>
> >> Srivastav Ranganathan
> >> IIT Bombay
> >> Mumbai
> >> India
> >
> >
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