From: Akshata Rudrapatna (
Date: Wed Feb 18 2015 - 18:32:03 CST
What computer system/version of NAMD are you using?
Akshata Rudrapatna
On Feb 18, 2015 5:30 PM, "Yongcheng Zhou" <> wrote:
> Dear all, I was tring to do a sterred residue-based coarse grained
> simulation of a very small protein 1AJJ, but got the following error
> before the the first step of the simulation:
> FATAL ERROR: Low global exclusion count! System unstable or
> pairlistdist or cutoff too small
> There actually is a thread in this maillist on a similar problem years ago:
> namd-l.2010-2011/3805.html
> but no final solution was given unfortunately. I am attaching the pdb,
> psf, and ref files here, and the info below produced following this
> suggestion
> namd-l.2010-2011/3814.html
> might be helpful too if anyone would want to help with this.
> Many thanks!
> Yongcheng
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> cellBasisVector1 19.894999235868454 0 0
> cellBasisVector2 0 21.364999771118164 0
> cellBasisVector3 0 0 26.67400074005127
> cellOrigin 11.019709587097168 6.169844150543213 3.2374091148376465
> Particle count: 83
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