From: Stephan Grein (
Date: Wed Feb 04 2015 - 05:56:47 CST
it's not lindex in lines 3-4 but llength of course.
Am 04/02/15 12:55, schrieb Stephan Grein:
> Dear NAMD users,
> i want to extract information from my DCD file as follows:
> set from {1 10 20 30}
> set to {40 50 60 70}
> set from_len [lindex $from]
> set to_len [lindex $to]
> set steps_start 101
> for {set i $steps_start} {$i < $num_steps} {incr i} {
> for {set j 0} {$j < $from_len} {incr j} {
> for {set k 0} {$k < $from_len} {incr k} {
> set mysel1 [atomselect top "index [lindex $from $j]"]
> set mysel2 [atomselect top "index [lindex $to $k]"]
> # do something with the selection, then delete it
> $mysel1 delete
> $mysel2 delete
> }
> }
> animate goto $i
> }
> But for me, this is horribly slow.
> Is there any obvious failure in my snippet?
> Would be glad, if someone could point it out.
> Best regards,
> Stephan
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