Re: Minimization without MD

From: Ajasja Ljubetič (
Date: Thu Jul 16 2015 - 17:18:20 CDT

Indeed there is. Just do

minimize 1000

to minimize fo 1000 steps. Adjust as needed.

Sometimes I find it useful to set a high damping value (high viscosity) for
the langevin thermostat and do cycles of minimization and short runs.
Something similar to the example below.

All the best,

langevin on ;# do langevin dynamics
langevinDamping 10 ;# damping coefficient (gamma)
langevinHydrogen yes
langevinTemp 300

#consider also using constraints
constraints on
consref $strucname.pdb
conskfile $strucname-ends.fix
conskcol b; #backbone 1

constraintScaling 10
minimize 160
run 60
minimize 160
run 60
minimize 160
run 60

constraintScaling 1
minimize 160
run 60
minimize 160
run 60

constraintScaling 0
minimize 160
run 100
minimize 160
run 100
minimize 160
run 100

On 16 July 2015 at 22:37, Simon Kit Sang Chu <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been struggling in a unstable system. The VDW and electric
> potential explode right at the beginning. Therefore I want to do the
> minimization without MD. Is there such function in NAMD? Where to specify
> it?
> Thanks,
> Simon

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