Re: FW: water layer in membrane protein modeling

From: Ajasja Ljubetič (
Date: Thu Jul 18 2013 - 10:00:19 CDT

> **
> **1. **Can I consider the change of water layer as the effect of
> periodic condition?
Yes, your membrane is drifting upwards (so the waters at the top get
wrapped around). You can restrain the membrane COM using the colvars
module, but I don't think this is worth the trouble (and the possible
performance hit).

> ****
> **2. **Can I use this structure to run the simulation continuously
> (I want to prolong the simulation time)? Or should I retain only the
> protein and membrane and re-solvate the system?
Most probably. Resolvating would make no sense as you would have to
equilibrate a bit and so forth.

> ****
> **3. **I found that the residue ID of water, like 289, occurred
> several times in the last snapshot I extracted. That means in the one
> structure file (for example, snapshot from 100 ns), I can identify seven
> water 289. Is this make sense? ****
> **
Do you have several different segments of water? In different segments the
resID can be repeated.


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