! Sikandar Mashayak ! July 2, 2013 !HW is hydrogen from SPC/E !OW is oxygen from SPC/E !C is carbon from graphene !Ar is Argon atom BONDS !V(bond) = Kb(b - b0)**2 !Kb: kcal/mole/A**2 !b0: A !atom type Kb b0 HW OW 600.000 1.000 ANGLES !V(angle) = Ktheta(Theta - Theta0)**2 !V(Urey-Bradley) = Kub(S - S0)**2 !Ktheta: kcal/mole/rad**2 !Theta0: degrees !Kub: kcal/mole/A**2 (Urey-Bradley) !S0: A !atom types Ktheta Theta0 Kub S0 HW OW HW 124.00 109.50 DIHEDRALS !V(dihedral) = Kchi(1 + cos(n(chi) - delta)) !Kchi: kcal/mole !n: multiplicity !delta: degrees !atom types Kchi n delta IMPROPER !V(improper) = Kpsi(psi - psi0)**2 !Kpsi: kcal/mole/rad**2 !psi0: degrees !note that the second column of numbers (0) is ignored !atom types Kpsi psi0 NONBONDED nbxmod 5 atom cdiel shift vatom vdistance vswitch - cutnb 14.0 ctofnb 12.0 ctonnb 10.0 eps 1.0 e14fac 1.0 wmin 1.5 !V(Lennard-Jones) = Eps,i,j[(Rmin,i,j/ri,j)**12 - 2(Rmin,i,j/ri,j)**6] !epsilon: kcal/mole, Eps,i,j = sqrt(eps,i * eps,j) !Rmin/2: A, Rmin,i,j = Rmin/2,i + Rmin/2,j !atom ignored epsilon Rmin/2 ignored eps,1-4 Rmin/2,1-4 HW 0.000000 -0.000000 0.000000 OW 0.000000 -0.155425 1.779102 C 0.000000 -0.055784 1.902573 Ar 0.000000 -0.238451 1.910992 HBOND CUTHB 0.5 ! If you want to do hbond analysis (only), then use ! READ PARAM APPEND CARD ! to append hbond parameters from the file: par_hbond.inp END