Approaching Deadline December 1st 2013 - Advanced LAMMPS and Scientific Software Development Workshop at ICTP in March 2014

From: Axel Kohlmeyer (
Date: Tue Nov 19 2013 - 03:46:45 CST

hello everybody,

this may be a bit off-topic, but we're trying to cast a wide net for
this event since it provides rather specialized training, that is
otherwise not easy to find.

the deadline for the advanced scientific software development and
LAMMPS workshop at ICTP in march 2014 is approaching quickly.

the workshop offers a unique opportunity for computational scientists
to learn how to develop modern scientific software in a team and
efficiently collaborate with developers of scientific software

in addition, there will be a developer-centric workshop in immediate
succession focusing on the LAMMPS MD code with the lead developer,
Steve Plimpton and several other experienced LAMMPS developers as
lecturers. for this workshop we're preparing two parallel hands-on
tracks: one for participants with experience in MD (need not be
LAMMPS) that are looking for a parallel MD code that can easily be
adapted and/or embedded into other applications. and a second track
providing a detailed look "under the hood" for experienced LAMMPS

there is *no registration fee* and qualified researchers from
developing countries can apply for full travel and subsistence support
as per the usual ICTP rules.

for more information and access to the registration form, please check out:

hope to see you in trieste in 2014,

Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. Italy.

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