Re: NAMD pulling one domain

From: Wang Yi (
Date: Mon Aug 27 2012 - 14:40:22 CDT

Use the Collective Variable function of NAMD. And in the atom selection entry, include the entire domain in the selection, so that you're pulling the CoM of that domain.

Yi (Yves) Wang
Duke University

On 2012-8-27, at 下午3:36, snoze pa wrote:

> Dear NAMD users,
> I am working on a multi domain protein. Protein domains are similar to immunoglobin but instead of pulling one residue( i.e applying pulling force at one residue) i want to pull one complete domain. Is it possible using SMD in NAMD? So far I am trying following protocol:
> 1. Calculate center of mass (CM) of a domain of interest and then pull the CM in desired direction.
> Is this approach is correct?
> Thank you very much for your attention.
> S

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