From: Jim Pfaendtner (
Date: Thu Dec 06 2007 - 09:33:59 CST
Dear NAMD-L,
I am trying easily to define a vector between two atoms inside of a
TCL forces script. Taking a cue from the tutorial I have written this:
.. intro stuff defining aid1 and aid2 ...
addatom $aid1
addatom $aid2
proc calcforces {} {
global aid1 aid2 k
loadcoords p
set bond [getbond $p($aid1) $p($aid2)]
set bond2 [please help me here :) ]
addenergy [expr $k*$bond*$bond]
set force [vecscale [expr -$k*2] $bond2]
addforce $aid1 $force
addforce $aid2 $force
I know that bond2 needs to be a vector that is simply equal to:
$p($aid1) - $p($aid2) but I can't get the syntax right and I struck
out searching.
Could someone please suggest the correct syntax for defining a new
vector as the difference of two other vectors?
Thanks very much,
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