From: Floris Buelens (
Date: Fri Nov 16 2007 - 05:19:37 CST
there is a way to do this without leap or antechamber using the two files you refer to, and you're working along the right lines. You're correct in changing the 'parameters' item in your .conf file to the cornell_all.prm. However, you also need to generate your psf using the cornell_all.rtf topology definition file - you need to change the 'toplogy' line in your psfgen input to point to this file, eg 'topology /home/masj/data/namd/common/cornell_all.rtf'. If you absolutely need these amber parameters this is a perfectly correct way of doing it, but as other users suggested it might not be the best choice, particularly since as far as I'm aware the amber parameters in those files are pretty old (1994 or so...),
good luck
Floris Buelens
Department of Crystallography, Birkbeck College, London
----- Original Message ----
From: mashaojie163 <>
To: Irene Newhouse <>; namd-l <>
Sent: Friday, 16 November, 2007 2:55:53 AM
Subject: Re: namd-l: howcan I use amber forcefield in NAMD?
.hmmessage P {
BODY.hmmessage {
Dear Irene Newhouse:
Thank you for your quick
response. Why can not I use the two file? I just do a test calculation for
a water box.
1) I replace atom type "HT" and
"OT" in my charmm psf into "HW" and "OW", which
is consisent with cornell_all.prm.
I change
I run
the configure file and every thing seems OK! Why can not I use the
parameter file directly??
----- Original Message -----
Irene Newhouse
To: mashaojie163
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 1:22 AM
Subject: RE: namd-l: howcan I use amber
forcefield in NAMD?
No you can't! You must have a
prmtop file & an inpcrd file. AMBER's input is very different from CHARMM.
In CHARMM you use a utility to generate a psf file - UIUC provides it as
a standalone or a VMD plugin, containing topology information only, and then
NAMD itself uses it, the parm file & a pdb file for the original
coordinates. AMBER creates a prmtop file that COMBINES the topology AND
those portions of the parameter file needed for your particular system AND a
file containing coordinates only that replaces the pdb file CHARMM uses. In
order to make it easier for AMBER users to switch, NAMD kept this input style.
However, they did not make any effort to supply their own utility to create
these files, as they did with CHARMM. Therefore you have to use tleap or
xleap from AMBER. Is there no one where you work who has an AMBER you
can borrow for this?
Subject: Re: namd-l: howcan I use amber forcefield in
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 20:23:49 +0800
.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P
.ExternalClass EC_BODY.hmmessage
Dear Irene Newhouse:
Thank you for your quick
response. I don not have amber. I find there are two
file in the directory amber9.ffparms\dat\amberff_in_charmm\
cornell_all.prm and cornell_all.rtf. It seems that the
two file is charmm format of amber field. Can I use it
directly? Can I use cornell_all.rtf to create psf
file and then use cornell_all.prm as parameter file to conduct my
----- Original Message -----
To: mashaojie163 ;
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 2:51
Subject: RE: namd-l: howcan I use amber
forcefield in NAMD?
When you use the AMBER forcefield with NAMD, you will not
have a psf file. That is CHARMM-style. You will have a prmtop file and an
inpcrd file. The easiest way to generate these is by using tleap,
which is a utility that comes with AMBER9, and only with AMBER9. The good
news is that the academic price for AMBER is very reasonable. Instructions
for using tleap can be found in the AMBER documentation. You create these
files from a pdb input file. You can use xleap, a GUI version of tleap, to
build proteins, too, but I've never tried that.
The parameter
files come with AMBER. You want to use ff99SB, which better simulates
alpha-helical sections of protein than ff99. [That will make sense
once you start looking at how to use tleap].
VMD can
display prmtop & inpcrd files in a way similar to pdb/psf
combinations. When you animate a dcd file computed with AMBER input with
NAMD, you use the prmtop file in the same way as a psf file.
you get hold of AMBER, write me off-line if you run into trouble &
I'll try to help you out.
Irene Newhouse
> From:
> To:
> Subject: namd-l:
howcan I use amber forcefield in NAMD?
> Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007
11:58:39 +0800
> Dear Sir:
> How can I use amber
force field to calculate protein.
> I think that I should do this
according to the following 3 steps.
> 1) I should generate
a psf file and a coord file. Which top file should be used to gererate the
psf file? Where can I download the topfile? What type is the coord file??
> 2) I should have a amber parameter file.
Which parameter file should I choose? Where can I download the parameter
> 3) I should modify the configure file acoording
then I run NAMD.
> So, there are so many questions
before I excute the 3rd step. Please help me and answer the questions in
detail! Thank you very much??
> Best Regards
> Shaojie
> Institute of Nano Science
> Nanjing University of
Aeronautics and Astronautics
> Nanjing
210016, China
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