How to compile NAMD2.6 on core2 operons, x86_64-redhat-linux,which is the proper choice in Arch.

From: xiaojing gong (
Date: Mon May 14 2007 - 21:41:43 CDT

Dear all,
        I want to compiling NAMD2.6 on core2 operon. AND I use "./build charm++ mpi-linux --basedir=/home/gxj77/Gcc-build --basedir=/home/gxj77/Mpi-build -j " to successfuly compile charm++,
  But I cannot make, because I don't know which proper choise for me in NAMD-2.6_source/arch. I have tried Linux-i686 and Linux-amd64. But it seems that there is no right choice for our core2, x86_64-redhat-linux. What shall I do ?


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