Re: namd: adding water molecules

From: Elsa F. Sousa Henriques (
Date: Thu May 11 2006 - 02:11:32 CDT

Have you set 'rigidBonds' to all or water? If so, as a simple test, try
to run a few simulation steps with rigidBonds set to none ... it may
just be that psfgen made a poor initial guess of the hydrogen atoms of
your "buried" waters and ShakeH is unable to resolve it.

Hope it helps,


Quoting Sergio Anis <>:

> hi everybody,
> i'm having some problems when i try to add water molecules to my system
> i need to add some water molecules inside the protein (in the active
> site), so i put oxygen atoms (classified as OH2, residue TIP3) and
> let the guesscoord to add the H
> when i run simulation i receive the error message: 'asymmetric water
> molecule found' and the simulation crash
> what does this mean?, and why this doesn't happen when the TIP3 water
> molecules are outside the protein (forming the water box)?
> i appreciate any help on this
> thanks
> sergio

Elsa Henriques, Ph.D.
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies   Tel: +49 (0)69 798 47502
Max von Laue Str. 1, room 1.215            Fax: +49 (0)69 798 47611
60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany        E-mail:

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\|||X|||/ "There is no gene for the human spirit" |||\ /|||X
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            `-' `-'   `-' `-'   `-' `-'   `-' `-'   `-' `-'
in Gattaca(1997)

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