Info: Entering startup phase 7 with 85799 kB of memory in use. Info: NONBONDED TABLE R-SQUARED SPACING: 0.0625 Info: NONBONDED TABLE SIZE: 769 POINTS Info: ABSOLUTE IMPRECISION IN VDWA TABLE ENERGY: 2 AT 0.0441942 Info: RELATIVE IMPRECISION IN VDWA TABLE ENERGY: 1.26461e-15 AT 0.0441942 Info: ABSOLUTE IMPRECISION IN VDWA TABLE FORCE: 16384 AT 0.0441942 Info: RELATIVE IMPRECISION IN VDWA TABLE FORCE: 5.05845e-15 AT 0.0441942 Info: Entering startup phase 8 with 89448 kB of memory in use. Info: Finished startup with 89961 kB of memory in use. TCL: Running for 5500000 steps ETITLE: TS BOND ANGLE DIHED IMPRP ELECT VDW BOUNDARY MISC KINETIC TOTAL TEMP TOTAL2 TOTAL3 TEMPAVG PRESSURE GPRESSURE VOLUME PRESSAVG GPRESSAVG ENERGY: 0 965.2511 4777.7575 6215.2161 80.4388 -175076.0755 4462.5732 0.0001 0.0000 42417.2756 -116157.5629 307.6053 -116150.0116 -116150.0116 307.6053 -930.8111 -888.6409 600984.9257 -930.8111 -888.6409 Info: Initial time: 16 CPUs 1.40344 s/step 8.12176 days/ns 121043 kB memory LDB: LOAD: AVG 19.2913 MAX 60.7332 MSGS: TOTAL 144 MAXC 9 MAXP 3 None LDB: LOAD: AVG 19.2913 MAX 44.492 MSGS: TOTAL 154 MAXC 11 MAXP 4 Alg7 LDB: LOAD: AVG 19.2913 MAX 44.492 MSGS: TOTAL 154 MAXC 11 MAXP 4 Alg7 Info: Initial time: 16 CPUs 1.40925 s/step 8.1554 days/ns 112881 kB memory ENERGY: 100 3940.1225 14348.0751 7952.7931 430.4443 -158202.2711 2596.7579 15.5871 0.0000 28081.7397 -100836.7514 203.6456 -100635.1120 -100732.9266 185.7014 -408.1040 -406.5032 599350.8742 1.2604 1.8019 LDB: LOAD: AVG 18.9203 MAX 53.0363 MSGS: TOTAL 154 MAXC 11 MAXP 4 None LDB: LOAD: AVG 18.9203 MAX 53.0363 MSGS: TOTAL 154 MAXC 11 MAXP 4 Refine Info: Initial time: 16 CPUs 1.44015 s/step 8.33419 days/ns 111411 kB memory TCL: unknown floating-point error, errno = 22 FATAL ERROR: unknown floating-point error, errno = 22 while executing "expr $z-round($z/$cellLengthZ)*$cellLengthZ" (procedure "calcforces" line 6) invoked from within "calcforces" Stack Traceback: [0] _ZN15GlobalMasterTcl9calculateEv+0x312 [0x5cc36a] [1] _ZN12GlobalMaster11processDataEPiS0_P6VectorS2_S2_S0_S0_S2_S0_S0_S2_+0x76 [0x5c0e7e] [2] _ZN18GlobalMasterServer11callClientsEv+0x427 [0x5c50ef] [3] _ZN18GlobalMasterServer8recvDataEP20ComputeGlobalDataMsg+0x719 [0x5c4681] [4] _ZN10ComputeMgr21recvComputeGlobalDataEP20ComputeGlobalDataMsg+0x15 [0x4d7f9d] [5] _ZN18CkIndex_ComputeMgr48_call_recvComputeGlobalData_ComputeGlobalDataMsgEPvP10ComputeMgr+0x12 [0x4d7f82] [6] CkDeliverMessageFree+0x30 [0x6cfe38] [7] _Z15_processHandlerPvP11CkCoreState+0x44a [0x6d24ca] [8] CmiHandleMessage+0x26 [0x73b1ae] [9] _ZN9ScriptTcl7Tcl_runEPvP10Tcl_InterpiPPc+0x164 [0x656c5c] [10] TclInvokeStringCommand+0x91 [0x758d78]