NAMD2.6b1 on MAC cluster problems

From: Michael Grabe (
Date: Tue Feb 28 2006 - 01:32:22 CST

Dear NAMD users,

I wrote about this before but I never resolved my issues.
I am running NAMD2.6b1 on a MAC OSX cluster.
The head node (computer_1) has the namd2 and charmrun
programs on it in a directory that can be seen by all nodes.
I can run NAMD2.6b1 just fine on the head node using
charmrun. I can also log into my other nodes and start a run
using the namd2 executable on the head node (i don't use
charmrun here).

When I try to carry out runs that involve the
other nodes, I get this using ++verbose:

Charmrun> charmrun started...
Charmrun> using /Volumes/Users/mgrabe/.nodelist as nodesfile
Charmrun> rsh (computer_2:0d) started
Charmrun> node programs all started
Charmrun> error 0 attaching to node:
Timeout waiting for node-program to connect

If I run NAMD2.5, everything works fine.

Does anyone have any clues about what I should try next?


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