From: Michel Espinoza-Fonseca (
Date: Mon Mar 07 2005 - 18:43:25 CST
This is what I have in the file /../arch/Linux-ia64-MPT-icc.arch
include .rootdir/arch/Linux-ia64-ecc.arch
CHARMARCH = mpi-linux-ia64-gm
Then going the file Linux-ia64-ecc.arch, I have this:
NAMD_ARCH = Linux-ia64
CHARMARCH = net-linux-ia64-ecc
FLOATOPTS = -ftz -IPF_fma -IPF_fltacc -IPF_flt_eval_method0
CXX = ecpc -D_IA64 -I/usr/local/gnu/include -DSOCKLEN_T=socklen_t
CXXNOALIASOPTS = -O2 -fno-alias $(FLOATOPTS) -opt_report \
-opt_report_levelmin -opt_report_routinecalc_
CC = ecc
At the end I downloaded the compiled version of charm++
(/mpi-linux-ia64-ifort-mpt-icc) and I stored all files in a dir. Thus,
when I did:
$config tcl fftw plugins Linux-ia64-MPI-GM-ecc
And then 'make' on the dir 'Linux-ia64-MPI-GM-ecc', I got this:
mkdir inc
mkdir obj
ecpc -D_IA64 -I/usr/local/gnu/include -DSOCKLEN_T=socklen_t
-linux-ia64-gm/include -DCMK_OPTIMIZE=1 -Isrc -Iinc
64 -I~/namd/LINUXIA64/LINUXIA64/molfile -I~/namd/LINUXIA64/include
-I/home/bscl2/espinoza/plugins/LINUXIA64/molfile -I/
home/bscl2/espinoza/plugins/include -DNAMD_PLUGINS
-I~/namd/linuxia64/include -I
/home/bscl2/espinoza/tcl/include -DNAMD_TCL -DUSE_NON_CONST
nclude -I/home/bscl2/espinoza/fftw-linux/include -DNAMD_FFTW
.5\" -DNAMD_PLATFORM=\"Linux-ia64-MPI-GM\" -O2 -ftz -IPF_fma
-IPF_fltacc -IPF_f
lt_eval_method0 -IPF_fp_speculationfast -o obj/common.o -c src/common.C
ecpc: warning: The Intel C/C++ driver is now named icpc. You can
suppress this
message with '-quiet'
src/common.C(11): catastrophic error: could not open source file
#include "charm++.h"
compilation aborted for src/common.C (code 4)
make: *** [obj/common.o] Error 4
I got this error even though I changed many times the location of the
charm parent dir. What I originally had in the file Make.charm was:
# Set CHARMBASE to the top level charm directory.
#CHARMBASE = C:/cygwin$(HOME)/charm
So I hope this information will be useful for getting helped.
Thank you.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gengbin Zheng []
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 6:28 PM
To: Gengbin Zheng
Cc: Michel Espinoza-Fonseca;
Subject: Re: namd-l: namd on Altix
Show us the what's in file namd2/arch/Linux-ia64-MPT-icc.arch
And your build command to compile charm and namd.
Gengbin Zheng wrote:
> Like I said, you need to modify CHARMARCH in
> namd2/arch/Linux-ia64-MPT-icc.arch
> assuming you configured namd using:
> ./config .... Linux-ia64-MPT-icc
> watch the actual compile command line to see if your change went
> Gengbin
> Michel Espinoza-Fonseca wrote:
>> It's me again. I modify the Make.charm file, and I still got an error
>> referring to charm++.h. It's so annoying, because I feel I'm doing
>> something wrong. Do you have another suggestion?
>> Michel
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Gengbin Zheng [] Sent: Monday, March
>> 07, 2005 2:23 PM
>> To: Michel Espinoza-Fonseca
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: namd-l: namd on Altix
>> normally you just need root directory.
>> you don't need to sepcify the version directory, however, if there is
>> minor different,
>> modify the CHARMARCH in Linux-ia64-MPT-icc.arch for example.
>> Gengbin
>> Michel Espinoza-Fonseca wrote:
>>> Hi again. I have another question. Do I have to set the root
>> where charm is installed (for example, the unzipped directory of the
>> precompiled version)? I was trying to do this when compiling NAMD,
>> it didn't work. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong.
>>> Sorry for the inconveniences.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Michel
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Gengbin Zheng []
>>> Sent: Mon 3/7/2005 1:39 PM
>>> To: Michel Espinoza-Fonseca
>>> Cc:
>>> Subject: Re: namd-l: namd on Altix
>>> You can refer to the NAMD notes.txt on how to compile NAMD. For that
>>> error, you need to config NAMD Make.charm to tell NAMD where Charm
>>> is installed.
>>> Gengbin
>>> Michel Espinoza-Fonseca wrote:
>>>> Thank you for your reply. Actually I don't have any problem
>>>> charm, but when I try to build NAMD, simply it doesn't work. I
>> remember
>>>> that appears something like "charm++.h not found". So I don't
>>>> Michel
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Gengbin Zheng [] Sent: Monday, March
>>>> 07, 2005 1:34 PM
>>>> To: Michel Espinoza-Fonseca
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Subject: Re: namd-l: namd on Altix
>>>> Michel Espinoza-Fonseca wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Does anybody have compiled NAMD on Altix (i64 proc.). I was trying
>>>>> compile it, without success. It'll be very useful for me if
>>>>> somebody can provide the namd exe for this system.
>>>>> Thank you very much!
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Michel
>>>>> L. Michel Espinoza-Fonseca
>>>>> BSBI, UMN
>>>> You can download the latest charm at:
>>>> You can even try the pre-compiled version look for
>>>> mpi-linux-ia64-ifort-mpt-icc
>> xt
>>>> To compile charm, use:
>>>> ./build charm++ mpi-linux-ia64 mpt icc ifort
>>>> Gengbin
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