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Pair interaction calculations
NAMD supportes the calculation of interaction energy calculations between
two groups of atoms. When enabled, pair interaction information will be
calculated and printed in the standard output file on its own line at the
same frequency as energy output. The format of the line is
ELECT_FORCE: fx fy fz.
The displayed force is the force on atoms in group 1 and is units of
For trajectory analysis the
recommended way to use this set of options is to use the NAMD Tcl scripting
interface as described in Sec. 2.2.2 to run for
0 steps, so that NAMD prints the energy without performing any dynamics.
- pairInteraction
is pair interaction calculation active?
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Specifies whether pair interaction calculation is active.
- pairInteractionFile
PDB file containing pair interaction flags
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename
Default Value: coordinates
Description: PDB file to specify atoms to use for pair interaction calculations. If
this parameter is not specified, then the PDB file containing initial
coordinates specified by coordinates is used.
- pairInteractionCol
column of PDB file containing pair
interaction flags
Acceptable Values: X, Y, Z, O, or B
Default Value: B
Column of the PDB file to specify which atoms to use for pair interaction
calculations. This parameter may specify any of the floating point
fields of the PDB file, either X, Y, Z, occupancy, or beta-coupling
- pairInteractionSelf
compute within-group interactions instead of
bewteen groups
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
When active, NAMD will compute bonded and nonbonded interactions only for atoms
within group 1.
- pairInteractionGroup1
Flag to indicate atoms in
group 1?
Acceptable Values: integer
- pairInteractionGroup2
Flag to indicate atoms in
group 2?
Acceptable Values: integer
These options are used to indicate which atoms belong to each interaction
group. Atoms with a value in the column specified by pairInteractionCol
equal to pairInteractionGroup1 will be assigned to group 1; likewise
for group 2.
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