(Category) (Category) BioCoRE Collaboratory FAQ : (Category) Using the Collaboratory :
Control Panel
Help for using the java-based Control Panel applet.

Answers in this category:
(Answer) Why are the times wrong in the chat windows?
(Answer) I'm using Web Start on Unix, but it insists on using Netscape instead of the browser that I like for opening web pages. How can I change this?
(Answer) What's all this about Web Start versions versus applet versions of the Control Panel?
(Answer) Why am I getting errors about file locks in my java console?
(Answer) How do I display the Java Console for the Control Panel Web Start application?
(Answer) When I try to run the Java Web Start program I get the splash screen for a few seconds and then it disappears

(Answer) (Category) BioCoRE Collaboratory FAQ : (Category) Using the Collaboratory : (Category) Control Panel :
Why are the times wrong in the chat windows?
Is the time correct on your machine? If so, do you have your machine set up for the proper timezone? This is the most common cause of this problem. Set the timezone correctly (which will probably cause you to need to change the time on your computer's clock so that it is correct) and the control should start displaying the proper time.
(Answer) (Category) BioCoRE Collaboratory FAQ : (Category) Using the Collaboratory : (Category) Control Panel :
I'm using Web Start on Unix, but it insists on using Netscape instead of the browser that I like for opening web pages. How can I change this?
What you need to do is tell Web Start that your favorite browser is "something other than its default", which is Netscape.

You need to run your Web Start manager program. This will be in whatever directory you've installed webstart. The name of it is 'javaws'. You might look in

This will load the Web Start 'manager'. Click on File | Preferences and navigate around a bit and you'll see an entry for the Browser Setup path. Change the 'netscape' to whatever executable you use for your browser and you should be set once you restart the control panel.

Another interesting bug with Web Start occurs when you have a web browser (let's call it X) open, and you have a different browser specified via the manager instructions given above. Web Start will actually attempt to load URLs in BOTH browsers. So, let's say that you have Mozilla open, and you have Netscape specified with the manager. If you click on a URL in the Control Panel, the URL will be opened in Mozilla, and Netscape will be started as well to display the URL. To fix this problem, be sure to set the browser in the manager to the same browser that you normally use.

Note: If you are on Windows, Web Start automatically uses your "default" browser and doesn't have the option to set the browser.

(Answer) (Category) BioCoRE Collaboratory FAQ : (Category) Using the Collaboratory : (Category) Control Panel :
What's all this about Web Start versions versus applet versions of the Control Panel?
There are two distinct and different ways to run the Control Panel, and here is a brief amount of background on the two ways...
The first way is as an applet in your web browser. Historically, this was the only way to run it. To run the Control Panel in a web browser you need a web browser that supported java, and has java swing "installed". The control panel is then tied to the browser. If you shut down your browser, the control panel goes away as well.
Netscape 4.x and Internet Explorer** include a customized version of java that was based off of Java 1.1 and do NOT include java swing. For these browsers, the user needs to download java swing (as is described at http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/biocore/swing_setup.shtml) and install it into their browser.
** Internet Explorer has traditionally included their own version of Java. With recent court decisions I think they might have quit including java altogether.
Newer versions of netscape (6+), Mozilla, and a host of other new browsers do not include java as part of the core package. Rather, they are designed to easily integrate with the java package that is available from sun.com. This is generally considered a good thing, because the browser programmers don't have to write java, and the user can update java to Sun's newest version. Java 1.2 and above automatically include java Swing. So, if you are running on one of these newer browsers, you are almost definitely using sun.com's java, and it already has java swing installed. (this is a simplification of things. You might have a different java than sun's, such as IBMs, or blackdown's, etc. But, as long as the version is 1.2 or greater, you already have Swing)
To further muck with things, on Windows you can install the sun java plugin into internet explorer and it can even be made to override the built in IE java.

The second (and preferred) way to run the Control Panel is via java web start (as described at http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/biocore/javawebstart.shtml). If you run the CP via web start you do NOT need java in your web browser. All you really need is a web browser that is capable of running external programs via the 'mime types' file. In fact, lynx, the popular text based browser, can start the control panel via web start. So, you don't need swing or anything in the browser itself. However, you do need to have webstart installed along with the appropriate entries into the mime types file. Our BioCoRE server sends a file of type 'jnlp' down to your browser and your browser (through the mime types) knows that it needs to run the javaws executable on that file, and then a completely seperate process is running for the control panel. You can then shut down your browser and the control panel keeps on running. Since the Control Panel isn't running as part of the browser, it can complicate things a bit, though. In particular, you might see difficulties with Web Start talking to your web browser. When you click on a URL in the control panel, or when you pick certain menu options, the Control Panel attempts to start a browser and show a certain URL. Java Web Start is designed to provide the functionality of "opening a URL in your preferred browser". It has built in functions that you can call that automatically open a URL using the browser that you have configured the Web Start program to use.
Traditionally, you can run 'javaws' and it has a preferences menu where you can set your preferred browser, your versions of java that you have, etc.

(Answer) (Category) BioCoRE Collaboratory FAQ : (Category) Using the Collaboratory : (Category) Control Panel :
Why am I getting errors about file locks in my java console?
If you are seeing something like:

> Jan 20, 2004 3:50:18 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
> WARNING: Couldn't flush user prefs: java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException:
Couldn't get file lock.
repeated in your java console, this is due to a bug in some versions of Java 1.4. It is because Java Swing is trying to save preferences in a directory that it doesn't have write permissions to. It isn't anything that BioCoRE is doing. It is purely Java and can be ignored. Also, you can check to make sure that you are using the latest version of Java for the Control Panel. They might have fixed it in a newer version that what you are currently running.
(Answer) (Category) BioCoRE Collaboratory FAQ : (Category) Using the Collaboratory : (Category) Control Panel :
How do I display the Java Console for the Control Panel Web Start application?
Viewing the Java Console

From time to time, it might be useful to view the Java standard out text console. The BioCoRE Control Panel can send debugging information there as can other Web Start programs that you might want to run. In its default configuration, you won't ever see the Java console. To enable it, you need to go into the Java Web Start application manager (On Windows you probably have an application called 'Java Web Start' in your Start menu, and on unix it is probably an application called 'javaws' that might or might not be in your path). On Mac OS X, the console is automatically enabled, and console messages can be found in ~/Library/Logs/Java Console.log, and can be viewed using the Console application in Applications/Utilities.

In the application manager, you can go to File | Preferences and navigate to the Advanced tab where you can enable the Java console. You have the option of having it pop open every time you that you run an application (Show Java Console), or you can have it automatically log the output to a file (Log Output). Personally, I would recommend just having it log the output to a file. That way you don't have an extra window everytime you run an application, but you can still look at the output if you wish to do so. Just choose a log file name that is somewhere that you can remember it. The BioCoRE Control Panel shouldn't ever put too much text there, but some programs can, so you might want to check the size of the log file on occasion.

(Answer) (Category) BioCoRE Collaboratory FAQ : (Category) Using the Collaboratory : (Category) Control Panel :
When I try to run the Java Web Start program I get the splash screen for a few seconds and then it disappears
If your Java preferences files get corrupted, you might find yourself in a position where you can't run the Java Web Start program (I'm not talking about the Control Panel. I'm talking about the program where you can set Java Web Start preferences, such as whether or not to display the java console).

If you find yourself in this position, you have a couple of options:

  1. You can delete your entire Java preferences directory, thereby getting rid of the corrupted file. On windows, this is typically a folder called .javaws and is in your Documents and Settings folder. On unix, this is typically in ~/.java. This can, of course, have undesirable side effects.
  2. You can start manually editting the preferences file itself. On windows this is a file called javaws in a .javaws folder in your Documents and Settings folder. On unix this is ~/.java/.deployment/deployment.properties.

    The file is a text file with name/value pairs. Useful pieces:

    javaws.cfg.cache.dir=C\:\\Documents and Settings\\yourUserName\\javaws_cache
    The first set (about log files) tells webstart to log the java console output to a file.

    The second set (about the browser path) tells webstart which browser to use. This will probably only be necessary on unix.

    The third command, about the cache directory, is sometimes necessary on Windows and can occur if a user is running on a machine where they don't have permission to write files everywhere.

Once you have changed any of the settings for Web Start, you will need to restart the control panel for them to take effect.
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