(Answer) (Category) BioCoRE Collaboratory FAQ : (Category) Using the Collaboratory : (Category) BioFS Shared Filesystem :
How do I configure BioCoRE to automatically send me email when a folder changes?
BioCoRE has the ability to automatically send you email when files are added to folders in the BioFS.

This is something that is particularly useful for Dropbox situations where a project team has set up a Dropbox folder where others can deposit files of interest. When someone else leaves you a new file(s) you will automatically be sent email a short time later.

This is a feature that you have to enable, though. It doesn't happen automatically.

To enable it, do the following (hopefully) simple steps:

  1. Log into BioCoRE and pull up a BioCoRE webpage.
  2. Go to the project that you are interested in monitoring: In the upper right corner of the screen, select the project from the dropdown box.
  3. Select the BioFS Shared Filesystem link from the left menu column.
  4. Navigate to the folder that you are wanting to monitor.
  5. Once inside the folder, right above the filelist, you should see some text that looks like:
    ( Current Email Watch: Not Set [ edit watch ] )
    Click the edit watch link.
  6. Select the timeframe within which you wish to be notified of change to this folder. For dropbox folders, I would recommend 15 minutes. For other folders you might want to have longer times.

    What this means:

    Every 15 minutes (on the hour, :15 after the hour, :30, and :45) BioCoRE will check and see if files have been added or updated in the previous 15 minutes. If so, you will get an email telling you about it. If you have a particularly active folder, you might want to choose a longer timeframe, so that you don't get an email every 15 minutes telling you that something has changed. Most people don't have that active a folder at this time, though.

Previous: (Answer) How can I sync (synchronize) my BioFS folders with my local computer?
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