(Answer) (Category) BioCoRE Collaboratory FAQ : (Category) Using the Collaboratory : (Category) Control Panel :
When I try to run the Java Web Start program I get the splash screen for a few seconds and then it disappears
If your Java preferences files get corrupted, you might find yourself in a position where you can't run the Java Web Start program (I'm not talking about the Control Panel. I'm talking about the program where you can set Java Web Start preferences, such as whether or not to display the java console).

If you find yourself in this position, you have a couple of options:

  1. You can delete your entire Java preferences directory, thereby getting rid of the corrupted file. On windows, this is typically a folder called .javaws and is in your Documents and Settings folder. On unix, this is typically in ~/.java. This can, of course, have undesirable side effects.
  2. You can start manually editting the preferences file itself. On windows this is a file called javaws in a .javaws folder in your Documents and Settings folder. On unix this is ~/.java/.deployment/deployment.properties.

    The file is a text file with name/value pairs. Useful pieces:

    javaws.cfg.cache.dir=C\:\\Documents and Settings\\yourUserName\\javaws_cache
    The first set (about log files) tells webstart to log the java console output to a file.

    The second set (about the browser path) tells webstart which browser to use. This will probably only be necessary on unix.

    The third command, about the cache directory, is sometimes necessary on Windows and can occur if a user is running on a machine where they don't have permission to write files everywhere.

Once you have changed any of the settings for Web Start, you will need to restart the control panel for them to take effect.
Previous: (Answer) How do I display the Java Console for the Control Panel Web Start application?
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