(Answer) (Category) BioCoRE Collaboratory FAQ : (Category) Using the Collaboratory : (Category) Control Panel :
I'm using Web Start on Unix, but it insists on using Netscape instead of the browser that I like for opening web pages. How can I change this?
What you need to do is tell Web Start that your favorite browser is "something other than its default", which is Netscape.

You need to run your Web Start manager program. This will be in whatever directory you've installed webstart. The name of it is 'javaws'. You might look in

This will load the Web Start 'manager'. Click on File | Preferences and navigate around a bit and you'll see an entry for the Browser Setup path. Change the 'netscape' to whatever executable you use for your browser and you should be set once you restart the control panel.

Another interesting bug with Web Start occurs when you have a web browser (let's call it X) open, and you have a different browser specified via the manager instructions given above. Web Start will actually attempt to load URLs in BOTH browsers. So, let's say that you have Mozilla open, and you have Netscape specified with the manager. If you click on a URL in the Control Panel, the URL will be opened in Mozilla, and Netscape will be started as well to display the URL. To fix this problem, be sure to set the browser in the manager to the same browser that you normally use.

Note: If you are on Windows, Web Start automatically uses your "default" browser and doesn't have the option to set the browser.

Previous: (Answer) Why are the times wrong in the chat windows?
Next: (Answer) What's all this about Web Start versions versus applet versions of the Control Panel?
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