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mdio.h File Reference

Molecular dynamics I/O library. More...

#include "mdio/file.h"
#include "mdio/config.h"
#include "mdio/param.h"
#include "mdio/topo.h"
#include "mdio/pdbcoord.h"
#include "mdio/bincoord.h"
#include "mdio/dcd.h"

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Detailed Description

Molecular dynamics I/O library.

David J. Hardy
The MDIO library contains easily used file readers and writers for some basic file formats, utilizing the MDAPI data structures. In particular, the arrays of force field parameter and topology data types from mdapi/mdtypes.h are correctly populated and cross-indexed.

The MDIO library is object-oriented. The following "classes" are provided to read and/or write the various types of files:

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